Qubit Arcade
Qubit Arcade is MIT’s hands-on virtual reality experience that teaches users the core mechanics of quantum computing. This experience allows users to create qubits, manipulate them by hand, build quantum algorithms, and watch them run. It gives learners a tactile feeling of the workings of a quantum computer.
Why Quantum?
Quantum Computing has rapidly become one of the most promising – and publicized – areas of computer research. As such, they have the potential to radically improve how we solve certain computational problems. Therefore, just as any student at MIT (or another technical university) should be expected to have a basic understanding of a computer “bit” and how it enables computers to perform algorithms using binary calculations, we believe we are approaching a time when these same students should be able to explain the workings of a “qubit” – the quantum computing equivalent – and how qubits work alone and together to execute quantum algorithms.
Qubit Arcade is a collaboration between MIT.nano, MIT Open Learning, and NCSOFT.